Qualify Your Client

It's a Two-Way Street

Just like sports, the world of business is competitive and one key aspect can unlock success for athlete entrepreneurs: client qualification. Starting a venture is thrilling, but the initial temptation to onboard any and every client can lead to slow growth and leave you unsatisfied in your business.

Scope Creep:

Without clear boundaries, the initial scope of work can expand uncontrollably. This not only stretches resources but also deters athletes from delivering their best services.


An unclear agreement with a client can harm both parties. Athletes might find themselves navigating uncharted territories, impacting the final delivery.

tw-way street describing the need to quality and discuss scope, mutual agreement, and ending with a satisfied client and positive review

Time Efficiency:

Time is money. Engaging with non-aligned clients consumes invaluable time, which could have been better invested elsewhere.

Speaking From Experience:

At Serve Consulting, we've experienced these challenges firsthand. The solution? Qualify your clients. Just as they assess your offerings, ensure they fit within your niche and expertise. The goal isn't just to gain a client but to foster a symbiotic relationship where both parties thrive.

Remember, not every client is the right client. As you navigate your journey as an Athlete CEO, let alignment be your compass. And if you're unsure where to start, we're here to guide you. After all, your vision deserves the right audience.



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